Saturday, November 14, 2009

Oh Man, 10 months later, and I still haven't changed.

Alright crazy folks, it's been F-O-R-E-V-E-R since I let you guys now what's doin'.
So..... Alright, my tata's are still amazing. Still getting milk for no reason, but my mammograms and ultrasound came back normal. Well, as normal as an un pregnant woman who gets milk can possibly be. To the people at work, it's pretty noticible. Yes, I have those ever so sexy breast pads, but I guess the look on my face just says "Someone Kill Me.". Then there are those that love to make me mad. Like those that come up behind me and shake my chair. That is when I try not to cry, but I have to fight myself not to get up and knock their lights out. The only funny thing is, I can sing things like "My Milkshake, brings all the boys to the yard, and their like they're better than yours. Damn right, they're better than yours" Yep, I'm a cheezy douche. Oh, and I no longer work for that dumb bitch that told me not to go to the Dr. As a matter of fact she is going to lose her job. Shhhh.. I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

Umm... I've moved to a bigger apartment. That's nothing special, so we'll just skip that part.

At work, I was transferred from Ops over to Services to run my own department. "Services Utilities". Yeah.. I am responsible for making sure that every single project on over 22,000 towers has power and propane. Yep, I have a great shrink. He keeps me stable and smiling.

I have a new Beej. He is the newest addition to the Lloyd fam. At almost 1, he is one of those babies that you just want to eat. Not like a cannibal, but like he's so sweet type thing. I've never met him. I just haven't had a chance to go back home. However, I have taken January 7-18th off so I can meet him and spend his first birthday with and the rest of my babies (Gavin, Natalie and Mason) I miss them so much, but with my cool ass tattoo up my side, it's like a piece of them will always with me. *** Tear

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I could go on forever to cover the past ten months.

Little background info: My Gramma Lloyd passed away June 15, 2006. My neice was born that morning and my Grams was gone that same afternoon. Talk about a Valium day. Ok-so......My Grandpa remarried a few months back BOOOOOO!! I am not in support of that. I hear he is completely different, but he's happy?? He doesn't talk anymore. If I ever meet this woman and she gets snappy with me, I will be "just another one of those Watson's that thinks I do whatever I want". My 27 year old arse will have a "Watson" style talk with her. Blood is thicker than water. Even though 13 years went by without a word between him and I, he is still my Gramps. AND he sent me my "Grandma's" hip.. Is it really hers?? Who knows. It maybe the one she picked up at the crematorium. Regardless, it is something that I remember as a good thing, and I couldn't be happier.

Today rocks my socks. I got to see my favorite Uncle. Mr. Uncle Guff. He was in town for a few hours, so I got to spend a good part of the afternoon with him. We laughed, ate, talked about Grams, my Pops, his Kids, the horned woman that my Gramps married. (I believe she has horns, and that is SOLEY MY OPINION.) It was really nice to see him, it has been 2 years since we've seen each other at my Brother's wedding. It's nice to know that there is family out there that thinks about you, ya know. I mean I bet my Uncle Jamie has no clue who I am. I would have to say "I'm Cheryl's daughter. You know, you're sister Cheryl. We sent you $$ when Katrina destroyed your shit" Oh well. I love my Unky Guffy. I am really glad I got to see him today. It made my whole week. Especially since it's close to the holidays. ;o)

The pic of two goofballs is of me and Guff I took today with my phone. And as for the other... that picuture is of my Great Great VanAndel Gradparents on their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1934. Next to it is a violin that my GGGramps made. Pretty sweet ass that that stuff is around. Dad says when he dies I get that stuff. Woot Woot. That stuff was my Grams. She kept it in what I always called the "Dead Room". Yep, I'm a Lloyd. What can I say?

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